
End of Season 

36" x 48"

My artwork starts with a sketch on paper that is not too detailed. This sketch begins after smaller preliminary sketches have been made that experiment with the placement of the subject on the paper or canvas.  Sometimes, portions of the sketch are erased so that I do not feel an obligation to follow the lines.  After all, the sketch is really a suggestion of where to go, not an outline to be strictly followed.

As with any creative effort, there is a point where the artwork itself suggests that I might do something different.  Perhaps a stroke of paint suggests a new form. A color might suggest moving to a different color than originally planned.  The starting point of the painting might suggest deviating from the original sketch to follow some other path. Part of the creative process is being alert to these little cues and deciding which ones to follow. A million choices have been made in any piece of artwork!




                                                                                           Step One -



                                                                                        Step Two



                                                                                         Step Three